Club Le Moulin Noir is a fairly new party in Arnhem. On June 30 they had invited bands for the first time: Tausendschoen & Sanctum.
The venue The Stage was relatively easy to find, in the centre of Arnhem, on the first floor. It offered a small and intimate setting. It wasn’t as crowded as the line-up had deserved, but there were enough people to have a nice atmosphere.
The evening started rather chaotic. Tausenschoen, a German ambient project whose member was formerly part of Maeror Tri, concluded after much delay that he wasn’t able to perform. He arrived late due to traffic, and there were technical problems he couldn’t solve. As a small comfort he played some of his ambient compositions from the DJ booth. It sounded quite nice, but more like something to listen to at home on a quiet moment.
Sanctum fulfilled all expectations. The Swedes played a short but excellent set, perhaps the best I’ve ever witnessed of them. The vocal parts were intense as always, so a lot of beer was needed for the band to endure the screaming. The focus lay on their latest album Let’s eat, with its nice mixture of atmospheric electronic passages and heavy crunchy distorted parts. But also older material like ‘In Two Minds’ was played, everything accompanied by nice video’s. Most of the visitors appeared to be pretty satisfied.
Some nice tunes were played by the dj’s after the gig, but we had to leave early to catch the last train. Hopefully more interesting bands will make it to The Stage…