Reviews: electro

(ebm / dark electro / minimal electro / elektroclash / synthpop)

Scapesonik – Display

The Shadowplay Electronica label released the debut album by Marina Sirtis this year. That record is a beautiful piece of electronic popmusic. It has to be said that Scapensonik, another Shadowplay band, is not as good as Marina Sirtis, but Display is nonetheless a nice disc. Scapesonik plays somewhat dark, but playful, electropop. The poppy vocals make the music very accessible…

Like A Tim – Draw A Bot

The Dutch musician Like A Tim has been producing electronic music since years and has released his music through well known labels like Djax and Rephlex. Earlier this year Like A Tim started his own Like Records label. After the mini lp Little Acid Tracks he has recently released the Draw A Bot EP…

Mitgang Audio, The – The View From Your New Home

One of the best tracks on the Snow Robots Volume 3 compilation from Suction Records was ‘Minor Causes’ by The Mitgang Audio. This song also opens this debut album by the project. Suction is well known for its electro/synthpop and because of that The View From Your New Home is a surprising album for the label…

Warren Suicide – Listen to National Radio Stations

On this second EP Warren Suicide again brings his mix of electroclash, electropunk and EBM. This three track EP is somewhat more raw and harsher than previous material. The songs sound fiercer and more exciting. ‘The Warren’s Lover’ is a good fierce track that should do well on the dancefloor…

Gunjah – Funkwelt EP

This is the first record by Gunjah and it has taken a while for this release to see the light of day. The record was planned for months but for unknown reasons it was delayed. In the meantime the title track was featured on the Neo.Pop.03 compilation cd…

Machiste – The Italian Stallion

Machiste is an electronic act whose music is largely comparable with the music by Skanfrom. The music is melodic, most track are more like sketches than actual songs, overall the atmosphere is wave-like and the sound lies somewhere between electro and electronica…

Intricated – A:void

Intricated comes from Denmark and releases on their own label Silent|Being. This three-piece band was formed in 1997. They already made an album before, but “A:void” is their first offically released album. You can hear that the band has been active for some years now, Intricated leaves a mature and professional impression…

V/A – Powerslaves: an elektro tribute to Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden and elektro? Why not! This cd is the second release on Vincent Koreman’s (Ra-X, Travoltas and Speedboat FC) Angelmaker Records label. Of course his own version of ‘Wasted Years is featured on this cd. That song was already released a few years ago, on the first album by Speedboat FC…

Lowfish – 1000 Corrections Per Second

Gregory de Rocher is next to the musician behind Lowfish also the co-founder of the Canadian Suction Records label. He is also known for his work with the Ersatz Audio label. which releases music by Adult and Magas amongst others. 1000 corrections per second is the third Lowfish album…

V/A – Neo.pop.03

This is the third compilation cd in the Neo.pop series from the German 1st Decade label. Neo.pop is their way of defining contemporary electronic dance music with a poppy character. Electroclash is probably the best known genre that is part of the Neo.pop sound. The label is committed to promoting this music. Neo.pop…

Der Kunstliche Dilettant – Sag Nein!

A new signing from Invasion Planete is always interesting. Der Kunstliche Dilettant comes from Germany and produces a weird variation on minimal electro, the specialty of the French label. The primitive analogue sound of this record immediately calls to mind a recognizable atmosphere…

OhGr – SunnyPsyOp

OhGr is the new name by which former Skinny Puppy member Nivek Ogre produces his music nowadays. Two years ago the cd Welt was released with material that had been lying around for quite some time. On that record Ogre presented his new sound: weird electropop songs that had very little in common with the dark music he made with Skinny Puppy…

Skanfrom – Soothing Sound for Robots

Skanfrom describes himself as a human robot. His music is a sort of robot pop, somewhere between electro(pop) and electronica, with an accessible character. Soothing Sound for Robots is a re-issue on cd of the limited edition 12” EP with the same title, that was released last year. On this cd there are also some bonus tracks added…

Beta Evers – Confusion

This is the third lp in the Crème Eclipse serie, and the most interesting until now. The Crème Eclipse serie, is being released in a mysterious form: black sleeve (only with small sticker), black label, transparent vinyl and no track listing. Part one and two were by The Omni Incentive and Kassen. Beta Evers took care of this third release…

GD Luxxe – The 21st Door

GD Luxxe is the 80’s inspired synth/electro project by Austrian citizen Gerhard Potuznik. For years he has been releasing music on various labels and producing other musicians, among them Chicks on Speed. Recently the compilation album Snow Robots 3 was released by Suction Records on which the poppy track ‘Compulsion’ by GD Luxxe appeared…

Baard – Life in a goldfish bowl

Next to loads of new electro that is being released there is a definite increase in interest in the predecessor and pioneers of the genre. The German Genetic Music label releases next to new, but clearly 80’s inspired, synth/electro pop also obscure 80’s electro…

Legowelt – Tower of the Gipsies EP

Legowelt had become more or less the biggest export product of The Netherlands when it comes to electro. The sound of Legowelt has changed a bit during the past years, from more techno orientated electro towards italo disco influenced electro nowadays. This new Tower of the Gipsies EP is not like most Legowelt records filled with dance tracks…

Charly Kent – Mein Zeichen

When you are familiar with the dark and mostly distorted electro sounds from the Kommando 6 label, you will need some time to get accustomed to this record. The sound of Mein Zeichen by Charly Kent is in comparison with the other Kommando 6 releases quite light. Besides that the recognizable minimal electro sound is also not very present…

Television Set – Moscow at midnight

This is the second release by electro/synth pop act Television Set. The name of the band is taken from an old and obscure Depeche Mode song. Their music also goes back to early day Depeche Mode style and other electro pioneers from the late seventies and early eighties. The (analogue) drum machine, bass lines and simple, but excellent, melodies sound wonderfully old-fashioned…

Rorschach Garden, The – Flow of Life

Just a little while ago the German The Rorschach Garden released a 7” EP called Far Away From Paradise. On that record were three wonderful electro-wave songs. Now there is already a new mini-lp with new songs on it and a couple of remixes. The record opens with a nice and atmospheric pop song, ‘Solarize’. Rhythmic and melodic this song is (again) an example of perfect popmusic…