Back in business

to freshen things up After a few months of being ‘under construction’, is now back online again. That is not to say that the work is completely finished yet. Some additions are on my wishlist, a few technical and design details can be improved. Some sections of the ‘old Funprox’, like photography, art, film and books are missing at the moment. Perhaps they will return, but I’m not sure in what form yet. In other words, Funprox is still work-in-progress.

The changes to the site perhaps don’t look really spectacular. But I just felt the need to freshen things up and to experiment with a few tricks. Quite some work was done to the back-office of the site, which will hopefully help me to keep the site up-to-date easier. Future redesigns will also be easier to execute.

I have to admit that I didn’t mind a little break, after being flooded with promo material and feeling pressure to produce fresh content for more than five years now. But now I’m ready to write articles again. Apologies to everyone who sent me review copies and e-mails in the past months without receiving a proper response. I’ll try to review most of the material that has piled up in the funprox headquarters. I will also gradually add the reviews of the other contributors which are begging to be published.