This weekend I visited a jukebox exposition in a museum in Amersfoort. Though I’m not much into American rock’n roll lifestyle, I’m always fascinated by these ingenious devices.
The exposition did not only show the colourful jukeboxes from the 50’s and 60’s, but also great early Art Deco designs and more recent examples. Like the Wurlitzer One More Time, a brandnew jukebox which is a careful reconstruction of a classic Wurlitzer design, but with modern technique added. You can choose from a model that plays vinyl singles or cd’s, and there even is one with an iPod connection…
I’d really like to have an original jukebox one more time. I just need a bigger living room and a spare 6000 euro, which seems to be the going price for a neatly restored Wurlitzer, Seeburg, Rock-Ola, Ami (the late big American brands). Or course I would not fill it up with rock ‘n roll, but with wave and industrial tunes. Joy Division, Haus Arafna or Dernière Volonté sounding from a jukebox, that would be great…