scientist richard wiseman of the university of hertfordshire, a former magician, has the habit of investigating unconventional academic subjects.
some examples: the laughlab, a scientific experiment to discover the world’s funniest joke, or the luck project, which explores why some people live such charmed lives.
lately he has devoted his time to the human reactions to sound, and especially to low bass sounds. infrasonic was an experimental concert with music, video and extreme bass sound, or infrasound, which is sound with a frequency below 20 Hz. this cannot be heard by the human ear, but it is only felt as vibration. appararently these low sound waves also cause people to experience some places and houses as haunted and ghostly…
dr. wiseman is also involved in a project called ghosts and hauntings. “results revealed that people consistently experienced unusual sensations in certain locations, and that some of these experiences were caused by natural phenomena, such as subtle draughts and changes in air temperature.”
but these are only scientific explanations of course…
Turn up the bass
September 8, 2003 by