Xeno Volcano aka David Thayer is an American artist who lives in Switzerland and who seems to be involved in every possible form of art. His varied musical activities (like noise, electro, ambient) are centred under the banner of Hardpresse.com. The Hardpresse site has been renovated with numerous full new tracks for download. There is something to be found for everyone: for instance glamorous electro pop on Caveman, heavy rhythmic industrial on Clusterbomb disco or deafening noise on Julio Iglesias to all the girls. In the same stable the experimental poet Elektra Sturmschnell can be found, with whom Xeno has done various collaborations. She now operates as Oscura with trashy electro, like on She’s had enough or The last to laugh. Entertaining material, if you ask me.
Xeno and Elektra
January 27, 2005 by