Ain Soph: split up

Ain Soph, the Italian cult act which recently performed at the Wave Gotik Treffen in Leipzig, have definitely split up. There is consolation: The first solo full length of their singer SPECTRAE will be released by Hau Ruck! SPQR in Winter.
More label news: both The Green Man and Calle della Morte are in the studio at the moment working on new albums.
Hau Ruck! SPQR also has a special offer: you receive the "Memento Audere Semper" compilation for free with each new order from their catalogue. This cd includes contributions of HauRuck! bands only: Ain Soph, Calle della Morte, Mushroom´s Patience, Foresta di Ferro, Varunna, Jonny B, The Green Man, Spiritual Front, etc.