The long awaited Audacia Imperat sampler is out now.
Exclusive tracs by 30 projects:
4th Sign of The Apoclypse / A Challenge of Honour / Ain Soph / Argine / Cadaverous Condition / Camerata Mediolanense / Darkwood / Dawn and Dusk Entwined / Dies Natalis / Dream Into Dust / Excipio / Folkvang (ex : Invisible Empire) / Foresta di Ferro / Furvus / Harmony Garden / Inner Glory / Kirlian Kamera / Knifeladder / Lady Morphia / Naevus / Northgate / Of the Wand and the Moon / Regard Extreme / Shining Vril / Sonne Hagal / Spiritual Front / The Days of the Trumpet Call / The Sword Volcano Complex / Tribe of a Circle / Von Thronstahl.