Bitmapping compilation

  • i.001 – Various Artists – “Bitmapping” [2CD-R]
    Record label Objective-Subjective is proud to announce the release of “Bitmapping,” a 2CD-R compilation boasting a wide array of talented musicians. Published on black compact disc media, “Bitmapping” is limited to one hundred (100) copies and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

    “Bitmapping” brings together a variety of post-industrial sub-genres and features exclusive or unreleased tracks by all artists involved.
    With Ah Cama-Sotz, !!aSQ!!, Azoikum, Blue T-Shirt, The Cherry Point, Control, Gridlock, Gruntsplatter, Herbst9, Lefthandeddecision, Moonsanto, Narbenerde, Navicon Torture Technologies (two tracks), Propergol, Puff, r|a|a|n, Skincage (two tracks), Spark, Stone Glass Steel, Survival Unit, Vedisni and Vitaminsforyou.

    More details and ordering info:
