Brian Uzna: debut on Einzeleinheit:

A new release on German label Einzeleinheit:
Brian Uzna – "Combat Shock"

"Clicking and crackling beats, subsonic bass lines, scintillating pads, shreddered melodic snippets, influences from everything to classical music and all of this molten into mostly short and poignant instrumentals."

"Combat Shock" is the result of three years of intensive work, two different album concepts and the most diverse interests. On his debut, Brian Uzna shows both sides of his personality: the experimental one, which can be found in "Manilas Hospital #1" or "Beneath a Stealth Sky", and his almost catchy, relaxed persona represented by the title cut, which relies on a free floating piano theme to do the job, and the epic, almost ten-minute "A World full of Sorrow".