Out this month:
BDN – Slow Death (Slow Mix)
Coph Nia – Prime Mover (Sex Mix)
Two Swedes, a perhaps surprising couple, separately paying homage to one of the more influential swedish rockgroups, The Leather Nun.
The second full length album from Coph Nia displays familiar streaks while simultaneously pointing out new directions. The pitch-black darkness is occasionally eased by moments of sacral ambience, while at times a grand piano and screeching choirs augment the goings-on. Aldenon Satorial’s profane voice is much more prominent this time around, with lyrics touching upon libertarian and libertinian ideas. Doing a cover of the Leather Nun classic ‘Prime Mover’ and Bauhaus ‘Stigmata Martyr’ as well as a pounding version of the Thelemic anthem ‘Hymn to Pan’ seems congenial in the context of the overall theme: to break free from the conventions of a society that fetter the free-thinking individual; by means of deviant behavior, by doing the unexpected, by shifting shape.
Samples can be heard on the CMI website.