Ad Noiseam is proud to announce the release of:
CORDELL KLIER – Apparitions – CD (adn18)
Microscopic noises and dynamic clicks guide you through a tunnel of razor sharp wallss, for “Apparitions” takes place indeed in a glasshouse of small glitches and clicks, all very carefully edited, and rendered in a very evocative art piece. Above the low floating frequencies constantly pop the remains of rhythms, “Apparitions” of a beautiful and abstract music.
Cordell Klier is managing his own label, Doctsect, and has proven to be a talented noise musician with his Vedisni and Kreptkrept projects. He had to come out with his first album under his own name. Cordell Klier comes finally under the spotlight for what he stands for: sombre and extremely precise glitches arranged with the care of a brain surgeon.
Glitchy, hanging, colourful but sharp and dynamic, the 13 tracks of this CD album take his music to yet a new level.