Duncan Patterson has announced a wish to move away from Antimatter after the release of ‘Planetary Confinement’. He will concentrate on his new project, ‘Ion’. Details of Ion, Deathcap, and all other related projects can be found at the umbrella site duncanpatterson.tk. As for Antimatter, Mick Moss will continure the project with a new album for 2006 entitled ‘Leaving Eden’, featuring Anathema’s Daniel Cavanagh.
Duncan – "I have decided that Planetary Confinement is to be my departing Antimatter album. This is for my own personal reasons, (per·son·al – adj. Concerning a particular person and his or her private business, interests, or activities; intimate: "I have something personal to tell you"), and nothing to do with anyone else. Feel free to gossip and start rumours though, it will help us sell more cds and that.
Good luck to Mick, and thanks to the many people who have helped and supported us for the past seven years. I’m moving on with a new project ‘?on’, for which I have a deal with Equilibrium Music. Anyone who is interested in my future releases etc. can check www.duncanpatterson.com for regularly updated news.
Later this year, antimatter.tk will release a 4-track virtual video E.P. recorded before a live audience during Antimatter’s 2003 tour. Tracks featured are ‘The Last Laugh’, ‘Over Your Shoulder’, ‘Going Nowhere/Destiny’ and ‘Empty’. ‘Planetary Confinement’ is released on July 26th by The End Records (U.S.A) and Prophecy Productions (Worldwide except latter). To download sample track ‘Legions’, visit antimatter.tk.