Kunt & Chaos/Order releases on Karnak

Two new releases on the young Italian label Karnak:

  • KUNT – New Brown Sugar (cd)
    KuntKUNT mixes industrial/electro sonorities with acoustic and middle-eastern influences. ‘New Brown Sugar’ contains a number of catchy songs, such as the title track or “Glam Diva”, both of which are examples of danceable EBM. Other songs include “B7 Kunt”, a robotical tribute to the “Ruda”-Wumpscut-track and “Plissken”, inspired by John Carpenter’s cult-movie “1997 Escape From New York”. A varied album with references to acid experiments, which is close to the Ant-Zen/Hands corner (Winterk?lte, Hypnoskull) but also related to acts like Coil, Kirlian Camera, Nurse With Wound.
  • CHAOS/ORDER – The Monroe Transfer (cd)
    After their debut “Order/Chaos”, CHAOS/ORDER are back with their second album. On ‘TMT’ the encounter of Machines and Human Voices seems to be more balanced and the result is an album that is vary dance-oriented. Somewhere between EBM and synth-pop, with vocals somewhere in between Underworld and Front Line Assembly.
