more Allerseelen


    November 2003 | MCD, (500 copies)

    The MCD Pedra contains three exclusive songs by Allerseelen: Steingeburt, Krieger aus Stein, Unver?ndert. It was presented to the public at the live performance of Allerseelen on 1.XI.MMIII in Odrinhes, Portugal. The song Steingeburt or Stone Birth is dedicated to the actress and priestess Diotima in the film Der heilige Berg. The song Krieger aus Stein or Warriors of Stone is inspired by the warrior menhirs of Palaggiu on the granite island Korsika. The dramatic monologue Unver?ndert or Unchanged is dedicated to the actress and stone witch Junta in the film Das blaue Licht. The music was inspired by the magical mountain Rumer Spitze in Tirol. The lyrics are taken from the beautiful narration Faldum by Hermann Hesse.
