more Aperus material

Coming soon:

  • Aperus – h i n t e r l a n d [multimode cd5]

    “After the release of ‘tumbleweed obfuscated by camera
    failure’, the original impetus for that project felt
    somehow incomplete. Numerous versions of songs in
    various tangentental stages of development still
    remained which, to me, made a valuable contribution to
    the whole. Serving as an outlet for this material,
    ‘hinterland’ gathers these alternate versions together
    with an additional environmental sketch and presents
    them in a different context.”

    “This limited edition EP will include a long version of
    ‘Magnetism’, an alternate version of ‘Earth & Clay’, a
    different early version of ‘Echo Canyon’, the new
    environmental sketch ‘Kaskaskia Canyon’, and a remix
    of ‘Vanishing Terrain’. Sweetening the deal, this
    multimode CD will include a gallery of my favorite
    photos taken at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, additional
    printer ready prints, and some extra mp3 files. We
    will be selling these in limited quantities at a
    reasonable price.”

    Available soon at:
