Nocturnal: dvd with Alio Die, In Gowan Ring and Jack or Jive

"Nocturnal sessions":
a dvd by Francesco Paladino with music by Alio Die, In Gowan Ring and Jack or Jive.

This approximately one hour movie from the sessions at Temple Studio collects fragments of free pure improvisations by Alio Die with Chako of Jack or Jive (Japan) and In Gowan Ring (USA), as well as sounds extracted from the new CD "Angel’s Fly Souvenir" by Alio Die and Francesco Paladino, who also take part in the sessions.
The pictures are elaborated and mixed with films that Paladino made in different part of the world. Paladino also did the first audio editing, while the final processing and audio mastering were done by Alio Die. This DVD produced by Francesco Paladino and Hic Sunt Leones, is available in limited quantities.