Schloss Tegal rare tracks retrospective

  • Schloss Tegal “The Hidden History of Schloss Tegal” (Neoterrik Research)

    Available soon from Cold Spring: a collection of rare tracks that Schloss Tegal has recorded for various limited edition CDs and vinyl releases over the years, now compiled on one retrospective cd. Compiled and remastered at Synaesthetics Studios, Prague.

    Zero Situation
    Collapse of the Wave Function
    Last Glint of Consciousness
    Black Static Transmission
    Feeds on the Chaos of Man
    The Mind of a Missile
    Invitation to a Outrage (Reptilian Mind)
    Unsub (Insekt Mind)
    The Hidden Variable

    Schloss Tegal will be performing at the 9th Bleisound Festival in Munich this Saturday. Schloss Tegal will be presenting tracks from ?The hidden history of Schloss Tegal? as well as all new material from the forthcoming CD ?Terminated by Script? never heard before.
