Foreshadow Productions released the compilation ‘Sonic Visions of Middle-earth’. Six experimental music projects led by people who appreciate, admire and simply love J.R.R. Tolkien’s writings. This conceptual compilation comprises of various themes from master’s greatest opus ‘The Lord of the Rings’, which are interpreted and presented in sonic form. This is a disc full of beautiful and eerie soundscapes.
Format: pro-duplicated CD-R in DVD case with special inlay cards. Release date/: 31st January 2005
1. LEVIATHAN – Fog on the Barrow-Downs
2. AIDAN BAKER – Mines of Moria
3. J??PORTIT – Syd?ny?n samooja Syv?ll? unten mailla ja metsien soilla
4. AS ALL DIE – Treebeard of Fangorn
5. GYDJA – Torech Ungol
6. TRANSCENDENT DEVICE – Fires of Mount Doom