Al-Wahaar Dhin – The Third Power of Alfta

Here we have another project of the prolific Drakhon (MZ 412, Beyond Sensory Experience). This is the first release under the monnicker of Al-Wahaar Dhin, an exotic name which makes me think of Muslimgauze. In the press release this is described as a ‘cultural holocaust’. Most striking characheteristic of this album is the combination of hard monotonous electronic rhythms and the sampled voices reciting the Koran. The combination of ongoing rhythms and the preaching voices have a ritual, mantra-like function. At times it makes me think of This Morn` Omina bit, though not so technoid and accessible.

The album contains 6 long tracks, ranging from 6 to 12 minutes. Apparently the music can have the effect of bringing you to a ‘higher level of consciousness’. Well, it seems to work a bit that way at the moment, but that can also have something to do with me being sleepy after two nights of going out… I quite like the (longest) first track ‘Going through the Rationale’, the rhythms are repetive and hypnotizing, with variation and some dark ambient breaks at the right moments. The ongoing beats have something relentness, making me think of religious fanatism. An hour full of effective trance-like music full of Eastern spirituality, which tries to put you under its spell, while remaining something of an unpleasant feel. I must admit that there are some minutes in which my attention is drifting away, but this is largely compensated by the good moments, like the harsh ‘Act of War’.

artist: Al-Wahaar Dhin
label: Fluttering Dragon
details: 6 tracks