A loud project from Connecticut, USA. I don’t know if it’s intentional, but my cdr starts with 20 min. of silence. Track 2 is a little less silent, it contains harsh industrial/metal crossover. Fast beats, distorted screaming vocals, loud machinery. Think of classic Earache/Napalm Death-style music. It is not a coincidence that the device of the band is ‘violent music for violent times’. Song no. 3 starts with more classic metal structures, but with a lot of energy. The refrain reminds me more of dark electro/industrial, even the name Terminal Choice comes to my mind, though this is a lot louder. The final track is much slower, dark and brooding, with very low, somewhat diabolical vocals, a welcome variation.
“Goth industrial terror punk from hell” is the term that Blood Machine uses himself, well, you can call it whatever you like, fact is that it is loud and aggressive. The execution is not bad, but it’s not very much my cup of tea. Perhaps I would have liked it better some years ago, when I was more into hard industrial crossover, with labels like Earache, Machinery and Dynamica.