Two Italian bands can be found on this 10″ released by Eis & Licht, both with two tracks. The record comes with a really wonderful insert sheet. On side A, the well-known medieval formation Camerata Mediolanense brings us a 10 minute long version of L’Homme Armé, one of the best songs on their repertoire. I always found it frustrating that the version on the “Madrigali” album only lasts 1 minute 42, well, they really make up for that here, with this new version, that has more electronic elements. Their other song is also very nice, called ‘Salve, Mundi Domini, Caesar noster, Ave’, a conjuring song for two voices in Latin, one of their highlights at concerts. Pavor Nocturnus, unknown to me till now, fills the B-side with two instrumental, orchestral tracks, first the classical Ouverture, then ‘Lebensraum’, with more prominent drumming and German samples. Not very special, but still a nice atmosphere.
Camerata Mediolanense and Pavor Nocturnus – L’Alfière
November 10, 2001 by

artist: Camerata Mediolanense and Pavor Nocturnus
label: Eis & Licht
details: 4 tracks