The previous record by Darkwood, Weltenwende, can still be considered as one of the highlights in the neo-folk genre. That record consisted of beautiful (mainly) acoustic songs.
Herbstgewölk sounds different. This new record is not really one with many actual songs on it. Most tracks are more soundscape like constructions built with sounds with an electronic origin. There is still some space left for acoustic instruments though.
Overall the sound of this new record is darker than the former record. This is also due to the theme of the record. Herbstgewölk is about the race for nuclear weapons at the end of World War Two, which ended in the use of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima and the scientists that went over from Germany to America to continue their work.
Musically this has been given shape in dark and haunting soundscapes that at times sound orchestral (‘Descent’) and sometimes bombastic (‘Opfergang’), but that are always done in a stylish way. In many tracks acoustic instruments play a part in creating the dark and tranquil mood, like the cello in ‘Rat-Race’ en the guitar in ‘Aftermath’. Also the folky elements are not completely gone as is evident in the quiet ‘Wolfbane’ and ‘Prophecies’.
Darkwood has again produced a great record. Herbstgewölk is not an easy listening record and may even need a few playing times, but after that
you can enjoy one of the better records in the field of dark underground music.