Now this is sick stuff. Dominator is back and wants to hurt you! A few tracks were recorded back in ’91, most is newer material though. Eleven tracks dealing with various sexual practices, with titles as ‘Pain provider’, ‘Taste the whip’, ‘Cumtime’ and ‘Sadomania’. Don’t expect classy fetish like Die Form. This is raw stuff, illustrated by the not so tasteful middle-aged housewife threatening you with her whip. Many women of doubtful standards were employed during these recordings…
Musically we are treated to harsh power electronics (think of Whitehouse and Sutcliffe Jugend), with distorted commanding and screaming voices and walls of background noise. The most painful thing about this album though are the high frequencie noises which endure for over three quarters of an hour, and which really hurt your ears and drive you mad. Anyone fancy a cup of thea?