Dual is the project of Colin Bradley, an English musician who lives in London and who has been active in the ?drone? scene for more than half a decade. Dual released 7? ep?s and CD?s on Drone Records, Dirter Promotions, Cee and Coombe, as well as some compilation tracks on various labels.
?Fall? is a double 3? CDR set that comes in a very nice box, and was released in a very limited edition. On both CDR?s we can find live recordings of Dual?s performance at the Drone Records festival that was held in 2000 at the Podewil club in Berlin (Germany).
The tracks range from electronically manipulated guitar drones to more experimental ambient-noise and even some subtle rhythmic parts. The overall atmosphere is very dreamy and even slightly psychedelic. With its slight rhythms, long and dreamy drones and controlled experimental approach, it reminds me of a combination of Zoviet France, Maeror Tri/Troum and James Plotkin.