Ego Likeness – Water to the dead

Ego Likeness from the US has an energetic sound, gothic/electronic/rock crossover combined with triphop/ethereal influences. Most striking element are the powerful female vocals. Due to this combination of elements Ego Likeness make me think of acts like Collide (who they support on tour), Garbage and Curve, and will probably also be appreciated by fans of the Cruxshadows.

As I said, the music is energetic, often with uptempo electronic beats, rocking guitars and the strong voice of Donna Lynch. There are also a few more laidback, softer songs. Ego Likeness does not completely play my favourite style, but I must say that the album is of a high quality, sounding professional and surprisingly fresh. The songs are danceable, the compositions catchy, the vocals performing. There is also enough variation on the album to keep it interesting. I see no reason why this band should not become popular. ‘Water to the Dead’ is released by Noir, a new division of Dancing Ferret.

artist: Ego Likeness
label: Noir
details: 11 tracks, 50 min.