Eridu Arcane is a new name for me, but according to their website this Scandinavian band was already formed in 1993. And you can hear from the rich and varied music on this album that this is not a beginning band. Eridu Arcane, named after the ancient Sumerian city Eridu, plays intimate acoustic music. As their influences they mention Dead Can Dance and Sopor Aeternus, as well as European classical music and traditional Irish folk music.
The main ingredients on this album are classical guitar, piano and very nice ‘heavenly’ female soprano voices. The atmosphere is pleasantly raised through the effective use of violins and flute. The dreamy and melancholic music on this cd is very nice to listen to when you are in a tranquil mood, or in the background while reading a good book. Speaking of literature, three songs on this album are based upon texts from Lewis Carrol.
I find this a very beautiful cd, but for some reason I have the feeling that I am not getting below the surface. After a few listening turns I find it hard to say what the strong points are or what my favourite songs are. But perhaps that is one of the qualities of “The dying of an ageless day”: no instant satisfaction, but a work for the long run…