Ex Nihilo is a new Belgium label for the more difficult forms of electronic music. The label is somewhat comparable with PuZZling records, also a young Belgium label.
This first lp is by Etschaberry and is a chaotic broken beats record. After the noisy intro the almost ten minute long ‘Us vs. Us’ is quite a nice surprise. Although the track is hectic there is a lots of room for atmospheric elements between the chaotic beats. The thin melodies have a sort of Autechre like feeling. ‘Foestus’ is a playful track without a real rhythm and is a bit reminiscent of the electronic 80’s wave by Trisomie 21.
More often do breakcore/ broken beats musicians have an urge to experiment with jazz influences, so does Etschaberry. ‘@cid J@zz’ is a sort of electronic free jazz. ‘Strange System Back Up’ is much nicer to listen to, and makes me think again of Autechre.
Not all tracks on ‘Annuit Coeptis’ are of the same quality, but the pieces that are good are really good and makes this record worth its money. When the jazzy and more noise pieces would make place for some more nice melodies Etschaberry would even be better.