Faun Fables – Family Album

Just like the German band Faun, the American Faun Fables plays folk and traditional music related songs. Their sound is melancholy, unpolished and lo-fi, like the dark country music from The Handsome Family in a way. At times a flute pops up that gives the music a lighter touch.

Dominant in the music is the warm female voice and the minimal arrangements that accompany the singing. Some tracks also have a poppy feeling and are a bit like the music by Belle and Sebastian. But unlike this band Faun Fables puts a lot more suspense in their music. The record is not a normal pop album at all. There often is strange element that attracts the attention, like children signing and a piece of operetta.

This is one of those band I discovered much too late as this is already their third release…

artist: Faun Fables
label: Drag City
details: 15 tracks [DC262]