Furunkulus – Hades:Opus Secundus

In Germany there are uncountable medieval music ensembles. These Spielleute play at medieval fairs and all kind of festivities in villages and cities. Furunkulus (formerly Furunkulus Bladilo) is one of those groups. Their music is characterized by powerful percussion play. The group makes use of all sorts of percussion instruments. Next to that their sound is dominated by the sound of bagpipes.

Overall the songs are up-tempo en very danceable, like ‘Darkgroove’ and ‘Drachenreiter’. Their music could thus be described as acoustic bagpipe techno. But Furnukulus also knows how the play a more subtle tune, like in ‘Hannibal’ and ‘Saladins Rache’.

Furunkulus is not the least medieval group that is around. Next to the good tracks on this cd that is proven by the feedback and help they get from other musicians in their scene. Oliver Pade from the wonderful group Faun was a guest musician on this record and Hubsi Widmann, from the medieval rockgroup Schandmaul, took care of the production, mixing and mastering of the album. But only partly due to their help Hades:Opus Secundus is not just another cd with medieval music.

artist: Furunkulus
label: LSL REcords