:Golgotha: – Icarus EP

:Golgotha: first came to my attention with the cd-r Waste Land, showcasing an impressive ritual ambient sound. On this Icarus e.p. the German project shows to be interested in a wider musical spectrum, with some typical neofolk songs. This mini cd is based around the song ‘Icarus’, which can also be found on the album Reflections on Heroism (Athanor, 2005).

For this release :Golgotha: uses keyboards and samples, as well as drums and acoustic guitars. The 6-track EP, dedicated to the myth of Icarus, starts with an atmospheric instrumental introduction. It’s a collaboration with one of my personal favourites Herbst9. Then follows the folky song ‘Icarus’, in typical apocalyptic folk style. Death in June and Strenght Through Joy are not far away. It has a pleasant, appealing melody. Vocal assistance on this ‘Orchid mix’ is given by Ildiko with a female second voice. My only concern are the male vocals, which do not sound confident enough and have difficulties keeping in tone.

‘Icarus fallen’ is an impressive mood builder, again together with Herbst9. Effective ritual percussion and mysterious ambient layers give this track a special atmosphere. ‘Icarus’ law’ is perhaps my favourite composition, a symbiosis of the different styles of Golgotha. It features some lovely ambient sound sculpuring, acoustic guitars and grave spoken vocals. After another deep soundscape, this EP closes with an acoustic mix of ‘Icarus’. It features vocals by veteran Patrick Leagas (Sixth Comm), whose deep voice gives this song an extra layer of pathos.

All in all an enjoyable EP which scores above average with an original mixture of ambient and folk elements. Hopefully there are enough people who will appreciate both the soundscapes and the melodic acoustic songs.

artist: Golgotha
label: Ikonen Media
details: mcd, 6 tracks, 29 min, 2006 [ikon03]