A Bulletin on Vertigo is Headley’s fourth release, after releasing three cd-r’s. This is his first real cd release, on the Canadian label 28 Angels.
On this work Headley has expanded his sound pallet by using computer as a main source. He still uses his old sound sources, guitar and many digital and analoge effects, but the computer gives him more possibilities and control, a freedom used to great extend.
The record is a collection of experimental minimal songs. Headley only uses sounds that seem to be extremely controlled. No (processed) field recordings, no synthesis methods where used in producing this record. And you notice it. The sound is very clear and thight. It seems Headly wanted to rule out any type of disturbance out of this record.
Although it’s not an easy record to listen, it is interesting. The clear sound forces you to listen, and discover the sound world of Headley. At times it’s harsh, then it turns into almost soothing sounds.
The tracks together add up to a nice album, but make sure you realize this is not an album you can put on while you need to concentrate on somethign else. It will grab your attention and only lets it go only after the very last tone has ended.