Ah, another cosy 3″ mini cd filled with tasty death ambient. Habeeb, never heard of it before, but since this project of musician L. Kerr is represented by the ever growing imperium of Somnambulant Corpse Recordings (which will be called simply Somnambulant Records from now on), you more or less know what to expect. A descent down into the deepest and darkest catacombs, with deep drones, machinelike rumblings, some otherworldly samples and low frequencies which make my speakers tremble.
Habeeb offers rather minimal, but quite effective dark soundscapes. During ‘Massacres of the innocent’ you really get the feeling that death is waiting for you around the corner, while ‘Realms of the living and of the dead’ is more atmospheric and mysterious, taking you to hazy, shady voids. Perhaps a no man’s land on your wat to the ‘Keepers of the death gate’, which sounds strangily cheerful, but then the wind begins to blow heavily and apocalyptic noises finish this cold experience.