On Monstrueux & Magnifiques (IP017) Invasion Planète already released two tracks by In Aeternam Vale. This is a French act from the 80’s. Their music is melancholic, often dark, electronic wave. It will certainly appeal to fans of Trisomie 21 for some of the tracks have a similar mood as the music by this band.
On the A-side there are four track by In Aeternam Vale which show the style of the band in full spectrum. The tracks differ from wave to minimal elektro, always with an experimental touch to it. Le Syndicat Electronique did reworkings of these four tracks, and these are published on the B-side. These reworkings are more in the experimental style which takes away most of the poppy aspect of In Aeternam Vale.
Both ‘Strawberry Flower’ versions are excellent. The slower and dark wave original is transformed into a slighty faster, and a bit noisy, elektro track with a clear beat and a Kraftwerkesque twist to it. The highlight is certainly the poppy wave track ‘A.I.W.’by In Aeternam Vale themselves.
Soon there will be another release on Invasion Planète with material from In Aeternam Vale. Then with reworks from It & My Computer. I can’t wait untill it is there.