The debut album of female vocalist Jen Gloeckner from Iowa. Though the album is self-released, it makes a highly professional impression, both in sound and design. The music of Jen is not very fashionable or trendy. You could call her a singer-songwriter with traditional roots, especially on an acoustic guitar song like the title track “Miles Away”. She also incorporates influences from folk, jazz, a little country and even some ‘world music’. Her voice is excellent, expressive and moving.
Most songs have a rather melancholic, dreamy mood. They have a earthy feel, which is further enhanced by the pictures of Jen amongst sand and rocks. Most songs are tranquil and acoustic, a few others are a little more uptempo and cheerful, like ‘Hazy Sky’, which also contains a lovely cello. Overall there is certainly enough variety in moods and instruments used to keep you listening.
I must admit that I often listen to contemporary electronic and experimental sounds. But now then it can be very pleasing to hear an album just filled with pleasant intimate acoustic popsongs, steeped in a long tradition. A very symphatic album of a talented artist who deserves wide recognition