At this point little is known of Kriegsfall-U in terms of biography. What is known is that the self-titled Kriegsfall-U is the Hungarian band’s debut release on Cold Spring (licensed from Mozgalom Records). Previously the act participated in a limited split 7″ with Wappenbund, released by Mozgalom. Furthermore Kriegsfall-U will appear on the forthcoming compilation Swarm, also on Cold Spring.
Kriegsfall-U’s debut effort is not a lengthy one at only seven tracks and thirty-eight minutes. But in this case, less may be more. Described on the Cold Spring website as an album with “heroic, esoteric, and philosophical influences,” Kriegsfall-U does not disappoint. Fitting well the label of post-industrial, the album shows these signs along with neo-classical elements, spoken word sections and martial drums. Other songs show signs of rhythmic industrial, as with “Porta heroum.” While I thought improvements might be made in places with mixing and production, I was very impressed by the strength of these songs. Thematically, the album might be said to rest primarily on the songs/pieces: “The Great Man I. –The Stance” and “The Great Man II. –Realisation.” The liner notes give a dedication to Béla Hamvas, the brilliant Hungarian author/philosopher, who is credited here and honored for his inspiration.
Additionally, the album comes in an attractive digipack (minus the front cover picture, which looks cropped and misplaced in my opinion- my only complaint!) with a colorful foldout poster. An impressive album from Kriegsfall-U in thought, character and style!