This record by Leger des Heils opens with an electronic beat. Soon more atmospheric sounds, military percussion and singing are added. Due to this the electronic sound is pushed into the background by a more organic feeling. This description is typical for both the opening track as the record as a whole.
Leger des Heils is a band that knows its way with bombastic music. The songs are not as pounding as some Laibach material and not as poppy and catchy as Dernière Volonté. The music is fairly modest but still very bombastic and with a dramatic feeling. I am almost sure the musicians have listened to Wagner (a lot).
The melancholy ‘Frei das Wort’ is together with the dark ‘Freiheit’ the highlight op this record. Although more bands are playing some form of bombastic music, Leger des Heils has created a sound of their own. Bombast and melancholy go very well together as this record proves.
this record partly released by Eis & Licht, & partly self-released by Leger des Heils