Last year the Belgain act Lokasenna surprised with a very good post-industrial release. The five tracks on the self-released cd-r were of high quality. Now a second cd-r is released. This new release consists of three new tracks. Next to those you get two live tracks from the first concert the band did in Belgium and one electro parody track.
‘November Wind’ is a slowly evolving and tranquil ambient piece with a good tension throughout the track. The second track ‘Wir stehen hier’ is bombastic and military sounding. This piece is based on a sample from ‘Thriumpf des Willens’. The vocal sample is used in a nice way. It seems the troops are singing along with the martial rhythm in a folky way.
More truly folk is ‘Ostara’, which is a typical dark folk song. Too bad is that after that the electro parody tracks breaks the nice atmosphere of the cd-r. The two live versions from tracks of the first cd-r are good extras on the other hand.
Lokasenna could become a name in the post-industrial scene if the band continues to evolve. The band announced they are talking about a release with Elitepop, which should see the light later this year. Keep an eye out for this band!
Carpe Noctem Records
In The Netherlands available through "De Bard":