These five tracks were originally released as a demo, but Eis & Licht considered them to be good enough to give them a proper release. This is my first acquintance with Lux Interna, and I’m not disappointed. The high expectations raised by their label, by comparing them to Backworld or Of the Wand & the Moon, can not be fulfilled, but I wasn’t suprised by that.
The songs are quite good and folky, I only have to get used to the voice of the singer, that seems to fit in better with a more gothic style of music. But after a few listening turns I surely can appreciate this record, which was recorded in October 2000 in New York. Main man is Joshua Ian Levi, who takes care of the vocals, guitar and bass, he is accompanied by three members on keyboard, percussion and (female) backing vocals. Levi has also written al songs, except for the fine traditional ‘Fine Flowers in the Valley’, the only song of which the lyrics are not printed in the nice insert sheet.