Narc – Internal use only

A new interesting electronic project: Narc. Based in Canada, this is the second full-length release. On the website from Narc I saw that this act has made various cdr releases, as well as some remixes, performances and collaborations. This cd is described as: “corporate ideals and class warfare ranging from rhythmic industrial and noise to anodized ambience and dark orchestration”.

The cd is looking nice: it comes in a blue case and the booklet contains some good graphics. The corporate business/ class struggle theme is original. Musically I find ‘Internal use only’ also rather interesting. It contains varied electronic music. The sound is dense and rather chaotic at times, it is not easy listening… It contains many industrial sounds, sometimes ambient, sometimes more noisy. But there are also various breakbeat/techno influences. Personally I like the track ‘Diagramatic’ best so far, it is powerful and unpredictable. But I must say there are also some pieces that I find hard to digest. You must do some effort to appreciate this music, but it can be rewarding if you are into intelligent electronic music.

artist: Narc
label: Deterrent Industries