“O Quam Tristis…” is a French group that plays medieval music with strong electronic influences. Their albums are released by the Italian Palace of Worms label.
Le Rituel Sacré is their second cd and quite a step forward for the band. In comparison with the first album Funérailles des Petits Enfants there are a lot of changes for the better. One thing is that the vocals parts are much better. Next to that the song structures are better worked out, which benefits the atmosphere. The tone is of the record is also darker.
Le Rituel Sacré sounds at times sacred due to the singing that flirts with Gregorian chant. Some songs are reminiscent of Elijah’s Mantle, like ‘Venerabiles manus suas’ and ‘Simili modo’. The fusion of electronic rhythms and melodies combined with melodies on traditional instruments works very well. It sounds very natural, like it is meant to be. Some songs could have been shorter and a bit more up-tempo. This would have benefited the album as a whole.
“O Quam Tristis…” is definitely a group to keep your eyes on if you like atmospheric gothic and medieval music.