The second release of the Perun label, after “Evensong” by The Blue Hour. One Inch of Shadow is a Polish band, which I first encountered on the Cynfeirdd compilation “Songs for Landeric”. They also issued some cd-r’s and a single before. Now they have created their first official album, “Birthday of Angels and Mannequines”. I was directly attracted by the artwork on the cover and the accompanying postcards, very charming, naive colourful paintings. The music also reminds me of paintings, the songs are carefully built up impressionist compositions, a little foggy and mysterious.
The music of One Inch of Shadow reminds me a little of The Blue Hour, sounding rather tranquil and quite modest. Another act that comes to mind is In Gowan Ring. The styles and influences of One Inch of Shadow are more diverse though. A little jazzy here, a bit folky there, add some psychedelic or ethereal elements and a few drops of ethnic ambient and you get a varied palette of pleasantly relaxed music. The songs are dominantly instrumental, though some contain mostly whispered vocals. A few of the instruments used are piano, acoustic guitar, percussion, a soft trumpet and various strange effects. The result is quit cinematic, being able to stimulate your fantasy. Not an album that stands out for its individual tracks, but it delivers an hour of fine subtle music. Ideal for introspective moments, to listen to when you are retreated into a little corner..