Five songs from this new stars on the German neo-folk front, who made such an impression with their self-titled album. This was the first vinyl release by Eis & Licht, a small label, whose releases are often vinyl only (mostly on 10″) and very limited, and that has a good ear for new neo-folk bands. Two songs of this record were earlier relased on a rare album called “Heimkehr”, but that was only distributed in their circle of friends.
On this 10″ Orplid sounds a bit more experimental than on the debut album, for instance on the opener ‘Naglfar’ a long instrumental electronic piece, that nicely creates tension. Then the title track, a bit ‘kämpferisch’ sounding folksong, with marching noises in the background. Side B starts with the beautiful ballad ‘Abschied’, with piano and female voices. Then comes ‘Walhalla’, a powerful track with a text from the poet Hölderlin, sounding rather theatrical.
The final song is so heavenly beautiful that I will not dare to describe it. ‘Bifrost’ is the best Orplid song I know!