This medieval ensemble from the Czech Republic consists of four young ladies dressed in old robes (and sometimes modern outfits). Most pieces the group performs are from the Spanish / Portuguese Jewish tradition. Next to that a few songs from other traditions are played like a French and a German tune. The sound of Psalteria is organic and the recordings on this cd sound very natural.
There are many groups like this, with a comparable sound (especially in Germany). Due to this and the fact that the repertoire of this genre is limited there are lots of well known pieces on Por la puerta… (amongst them pieces from the Cantigas de Santa Maria and the Undertanz).
Psalteria has despite this made a good record with nice songs. Their music sounds lively, something that is not the case with every band in this genre. This year at the Elf Fantasy Fair the group will perform live for the first time in The Netherlands. A good opportunity to see how Psalteria is as a live band.