Contrary to what one would expect Quelles Paroles is not a French, but a Swedish band. Their music is easiest described as synthpop, but of course there is more to it. What I received from QP is close to all the material they have. And the material did more than just surprise me, I can say. It is very varied, with some really good tracks.
Especially the tracks from the first demo are very good. “Everlasting” is a guitar-oriented song, also the song the video is for, and has hit-potential as a pop-song. The second track, “Are You OK” is a very Depeche Mode-like track. The third track on this demo is a ballad that has no effect whatsoever on me, where the first two tracks did a great job in getting me enthousiastic about QP, this third track just seems to be underproduced and the vocals sound worse then they do on the other two tracks.
The second demo, containing another three tracks just works on my nerves, the material is too slow and doesn’t sound really inspired.
Though the third demo contains even more balladesque, slower tracks the vocals have improved greatly and this demo again is nice to listen to. Especially “Another lesson learned” is a fine track.
The tracks from the forthcoming demo are not yet finished, but the raw versions I heard make me look out to the release of this demo. Again there does not seem to be any real up-tempo work, but “Deep” promises to be the masterpiece of QP, proving they can also really impress with slower tracks. The music of Quelles Paroles certainly surprised me, and deserves a fair chance from every fan of synthpop, check them out at