The Russian dark ambient sound sculptors Reutoff are very productive, so fans who try to keep up with their discography are having busy times. This is increased by the fact that almost all their releases appear on different labels and are often limited. Ands more important, they are usually worthwhile. ‘Reutraum’ is a series of 7 7″ singles. Each part will not only be released on another label, but also in another country. Reutoff tries to reflect these geographic differences in their compositions. This is part V, but part II (on Kaos Kontrol) has been released later.
“Reutraum V” has been issued by the French label Divine Comedy Records. It contains two compositions: ‘Todeslied’ and ‘Das Gift’. Side A starts with high frequency noises, making you expect a powernoise attack. But Reutoff is more subtle than that. Strange electronic sounds, low ambient layers, ongoing dense drones and Russian background conversations create a peculiar atmosphere which is hard to describe. All elements try to stay in the background, there hardly any melodic elements, so the track is not very pleasing to the ear, but the tight combination of different elements create something oppressive, an endless labyrinth in which you are trapped.
‘Das Gift’ starts with strange mantra-like choirs. A captivating ritual ambient piece follows, with a repetitive sound which gradually expands. It evokes a very desperate mood, a strong feeling of isolation. Perhaps ‘Reutraum V’ isn’t the most accessible piece of work by this Russian project, they certainly have created an interesting experimental ambient release again.