Sieben is Matt Howden, known for his work with Sol Invictus/Tony Wakeford, but also for his solo work. After listening to his music, and especially this new cd, I can only draw the conclusion that Matt Howden is a very special and gifted musician.
Sex and Wildflowers is rich in sounds, but all these sounds are made with one violin. This violin is connected with effect equipment that loops a piece of music and can manipulate it. With this equipment different layers of sound are made and put on top of each other, both melodies and rhythms. Songs are built around these sounds. Matt Howden also plays his music this way live in concert.
The poetic voice contributes to the dreamy and romantic atmosphere this music calls to mind.
At times Sex and Wildflowers is reminiscent of the more quiet work of The Legendary Pink Dots. This comparison is only partly applicable, because Matt Howden has a distinctive style of his own. ‘Winter Snowdrop’ and ‘Love’s Promise’ for example are simply beautiful and enchanting pieces of music. This is one of those rare albums that you want to hear from the beginning to the end without any interference, and can’t stop listening to.