Tennis consist of Ben Edwards, also recording as Benge and Douglas Benford, who does solo work under the name of Si-Cut.db. They started to collaborate end nineties as Tennis. This release is their third full album, and their second release on the french Bip-Hop label. The release consists of two cd’s, one cd with 8 new Tennis tracks, and one remix cd with remixes of their previous album Europe by horseback, also released on Bip-Hop.
The Furlines cd sounds warm and deep, combining soundscapes with clicks and cuts. Sadly it doesn’t offer too much new ideas. It all has been done before. It’s not extremely exciting, it’s simply nice relaxed listening. The cd is not bad, it’s actually fairly good, but it’s not the most original thing released this year, and most certainly not the best when it comes to clicks and cuts. Perfect music to play while you have to work.
The Horseback remix cd is something different though. Here the tracks are being remixed by several big names from the clicks and cuts scene. All artists take their own view on several tracks, turning them into something completly new. From the dreamy Tim Hecker remix of Self-seal mishap to the beat oriented Electronicat remix of Contube Alomany to the sweet Bovine life remix of Self-seal mishap.
Is this cd worth to buy? If it was only the Furlines cd, I would say no. But the remix cd on it’s own is worth every penny, you get the Furlines cd as a bonus.