Earlier I already reviewed albums by Vers and Woosamaquin, two talented acts on the Dysgenic Records labels. Both acts are present on this label compilation with two tracks. Eight further projects also contribute two tracks. So no less than 20 tracks, on a compilation that is not for sale, but distributed for promotional purposes and temporarily available as a bonus with any Dysgenic album purchase. Unfortunately this offer was only valid until April 30, so my review comes a bit late, my apologies for that. But that must not stop you from checking out this label, because there is quite some good music on Dysgenic to discover. Keywords: electronics and atmosphere. Breakbeats are often on the menu. I won’t describe every contribution to this compilation into detail, but there are various pleasant and varied tracks present.
The aforementioned Vers and Woosamaquin don’t disappoint, both with an album piece and an unreleased track. I must get used a little to the rap part in Vers’ ‘Inert’ though. The two tracks by Host are very good, relaxed and trip-hop like, with female vocals, which are quite sensual. The absolute highlight for me is ‘The source’ by The 1st Man. This song really blows me away. What a great combination of beats, sounds and moods. Perfectly built up, with some nice changes in pace. If this was played in a club I would be the first to rush to the dancefloor. The other track by The 1st Man is also quite pleasant.
Oh so beautiful is Moth, with a nice moody and dreamlike web of sounds. Quite interesting is ‘Two16’ by The Gaussian Surface project, a repetive hypnotizing track. Andrew Gardiner surprises with two very different tracks, one quite laidback, another with very fast breakbeats. Some artists do a little crossover, combining electronics with grunge-rock (Standpipe), industrial (Comacast), metal (Itchy-Pushy) or hip-hop (Vers). Certainly a combination that keeps you busy for a while. Especially The 1st Man, Moth and Host are acts that I would like to hear more of…