This compilation filled with electronic music from mostly unknown acts is the first release for 4mg records, based in Canada. The biggest selling point for this cd is the presence of two tracks by PaPERHOUsE, which is a new project by Adrian Smith, who is known for his work with the legendary act Click Click! As could perhaps be expected, his contributions are not very straightforward. ‘Smackhead’ is a midtempo track with complex rhythms, with some hiphop influences. I like his second track, the moody and somewhat tribal ‘Engery & fire’ better.
As I said, most of the 12 project involved were unknown to me so far. Stylewise the music ranges from atmospheric tranquil pieces to modern breakbeat/dance-influenced stuff to cheerful synthpop. Absolute highlight is the uptempo, danceable electropopsong ‘In the Night’ by Northern Electronic, which can compete with the best 80’s synth stuff. Entertaining is ‘Flicka av Flexiglas’ by the Scandinavian Machinepop, perhaps an El Aviador Dro pastiche, and reminding of other minimal analogue classics. some other quite worthwhile tracks are by Kitten Majestique, Cabaret, Martin Burlas and The Only Michael. This compilation is a nice way to get to know some new electronic acts, though there are no really innovative sounds present. I hope there will be a sequel though.